A trip to Manchester: Christmas market review

Dari haritu dah aku dan Miss B plan nak pergi Manchester, tapi masing-masing sibuk dengan kelas dan assignment. Bila aku free, dia ada kelas. Bila dia dah free, aku pulak ada assignment yang perlu disiapkan. Last-last tunggu semester break baru jalan, gerenti dua- dua pun free kan?

Pagi-pagi dengan semangatnya kami berdua duduk bas ke train station, tapi mood dirosakkan kerana tiada tempat duduk dalam train. Penuh tau!! Bukan saja tempat duduk penuh, tempat berdiri pun penuh. Boleh dikatakan tiada space langsung untuk berjalan, completely macam sardin dalam tin. Lemasnya tidak dapat dibayangkan. Tapi apa boleh buat, biasalah on peak season, sabar jelah.

Dah sampai kat Manchester city centre, terus masuk Arndale shopping center ni. Banyak kedai dalam shopping centre ni, dari food chain to poundland to market to superdry. Kalau korang minat barangan berjenama, pergi kat bangunan bersebelahan Arndale ni, aku tak ingat apa nama dia. Atau korang boleh pergi ke Trafford centre, the massive shopping centre in Mancherster. Tapi aku terlalu malas untuk berjalan jauh hari ini. Hehe.. Lagipun apa yang aku  nak boleh di dapatkan di Arndale.

Alang-alang sampai sini, kami singgah terus Christmas market. Tak jauh, depan Arndale aje. Barangan yang dijual kebanyakannya barangan kraftangan atau hadiah untuk Christmas, dah nama pun Christmas market kan? Ada juga food chain dan gerai minuman kalau korang minat. Aku suka roasted potato dan German Burger dia. Hehe :D  Pastu, kami berdua singgah sekejap china town, beli sos cili meggi jap. 

Kami balik awal jugak, around 4pm sebab masa winter ni, hari cepat gelap, malas nak jalan waktu gelap tau.

Student Life: Semester Break

Oh~ finally…finally… my holiday comes to me…

After a hectic schedule this semester, I am sure everyone was looking forward for this winter break to come. A great escape from our student life, although not a total escape from our studies since we would have our exam in January :’( sob… sob…


It’s holiday.

Yeay!!! Heppi Holiday!!! :DD

Outing no. ‘M’ X-mas & Anchorman 2

They said it’s a pre-christmas gathering, but to me it’s just a good-bye see you again dinner. Everyone’s having their own plan for the semester break and the gathering was just a warm gesture that we probably won’t see each other until after a month. So ……… there we go. :)

                                           seafood paella: picture from google

What kind of gathering that doesn’t include a feast? After all, that’s the main reason why everyone attended. But, the most interesting part of gathering isn’t just about foods, it’s the people who attend the gathering: it’s their story of life that I love to hear and it’s the way they present themselves that I like to see.

Wait…Wait… I am not some kind of weirdo, I am sure that lots of people like this part of gathering, but would never admit it. ;P After all, high level of curiosity tends to triumph all. With or without intention, one might question other’s life. Or hinted out how they currently live their life. And these things flow out naturally while you are having a conversation: when other reveals their problem, you might put your guard down and revealing or asking more than you have intended.

How you treated others mirrored your character. Means, people can tell what kind of person you are from the way you treated others. There is always one who’s an attention seeker in a gathering, one who love verbal attack the weak. They were trying to show how good they are by exposing others weaknesses. But the attacker has forgotten, while trying hard to prove her worth, she has revealed the kind of person she is: a pathetic soul.

So, be careful you guys. Words or action is enough to give a bad impression. :D

And….and…. Anchorman 2 was super hilarious. You could anticipate a good laugh from the beginning till the end of the show. His expression during the ice skating moment stuck in my mind till now, believe me, it’s not an expression that’s easily forgotten!! :DD