Bila aku tidak seperti aku

Berpuluh kali aku cuba susun ayat header kat atas ni. Bila aku tidak seperti aku: when I'm not myself. But it ends up even more confusing than ever. I can't actually says that I am now not my self, but at the same time, I don't feel like I am my self. Arghh!!!If only I have the ability to describe exactly of what I've felt...

Days past really fast, clock never stops it's ticking sounds and I begin to lose the track of time. I have nothing to say if I actually work hard during that time, but instead of that, I was mastering the art of procrastination, delaying the inevitable, which makes me more guilty than ever. In short: I was wasting my time doing nothing when I am suppose to finish my work.

Was it the cold weather? Or the newest drama? Or the never ending outing? Whom should I blame to make me look less coward? I have to admit my own fault, but as you see, it's scary to see straight of what your fault is. Because it's not your usual self!

But someone convinced me that it's a normal phenomena. It's called 'when you are not your self'. Like sometimes one might have a bad hair days, one might also have days when everything goes wrong and act like nothing of their real self.

What matter is, whether you are willing or not to come back to your sense.

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