Take Things For Granted: Part 1

Never take things for granted, be it life or love. When I speak about love, it wasn’t just the relationship between a man and a woman, it also includes friendship and family.

Love – Love them as who they are if you wished to be loved as who you are. Appreciate their effort if you wish to be appreciated back.  Care for them if you wish to be cared for.  The basic of a relationship is actually this simple: the give and take rule is the key. Well, obviously not all relationship is as simple as the flow of time. One might be giving more than take and if your partner falls into this category, don’t ever take them for granted. Because, while you still have the one who cares deeply for you, appreciate their existence, because not everyone is as lucky as you to have that particular person in their life.

Family – Parents and their kids.

Dear my son/daughter,
Only when you grow up or when you become a parent yourself, you would probably understand a parent’s heart. Punishing you for your fault because we wish you could become a respectable adult in the future: one who’s ready to admit his fault and bear his responsibility. Scolding you never caused by hatred or dismayed. Everything we’ve done was for your sake and nothing we couldn’t do for your best interest. Despite your rebellious and anger towards us, our loves to you should never be questioned. We might be furious or even disappointed as a result from your action but dislikes never exist. We understand you; we were once a child to our parents as well. And yet, it’s a parent’s nature to wish the best for their child, to cares for them.

Hear your parent’s silent wishes people. Whoever you parent is or whatever they do for life, love them back as much as the love they gave to you, or even more. Appreciate what they’ve done for you. Hear their advice and be filial to them. This is the least you could do for them who sacrifice their time and energy in raising you. If you don’t treat your parent better during their lifetime, you might bear the regret after their death. When that happens, no amount tears of blood could bring them back to life and amend your guilt.

Family has always been the place where we could find our comfort. Be it your parents or siblings, they were the one you would turn to when problem arises or even when the world is against you. So, treasure them because you don’t know how many envied you for having your family at your back as a never ending supporter.

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