Someone I know

Kadang-kala sebagai seorang manusia, buat sesuatu hal itu tak perlulah melampau sangat. Orang mengalah bukan bermaksud setiap apa yang awak lakukan itu betul. Dia mengalah pun sebab malas nak cari masalah, nak bertolak-ansur dengan awak saja. Tapi awak lebih hebat, beri betis hendakkan peha, dia undur setapak, awak yang melihat terus tolak dia sesenang hati awak. Orang berbuat baik pada awak, tidak usahlah ambil kesempatan itu untuk membuli dia pula. Itu sudah tahap melampau. Jangan saja awak salahkan kawan awak tu kalau dia dah tidak pedulikan awak suatu hari nanti, because that’s your own fault lady!

Haih … mengapa disamping kita tentu ada seseorang yang perangai dia pesen macam ni ya?

A Game Called Life

The beauty of life is – life is unpredictable. Meanwhile, the ugliest side of life too, is its unpredictability. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Once you might have stand on top of the wheel, the next second you are at the lowest point of your life. No words ever exist that could portray vividly of your pain, and so, no tears could ever completely illustrate of your helplessness.

Giving up? Who never thought of that, especially when trailing on the hardest path of your life?

When life offered me nothing but endless heartache, I kept trying and try again, wishing fervently that the next would be a success. Each time when I failed, my hope crashed brutally that I fear to try again. I was traumatized by the those episodes of failure.

Every time, after those hearts aching encounter I promised never to hurt myself anymore. I won’t try again. I was preparing to hide my self cowardly.

But dear readers, no matters how loud I swore never to try again, it’s an empty promises.

I tried again. I might fail, I might about to invite more heartbreak but do you know, to not try again was a crime against my previous effort, an insult to the courageous me.

I really like this piece of inspiring advice that I’ve read from a blog before, “jangan terlalu takut atau pilih-pilih terhadap tindakan yang anda ambil. Keseluruhan dari hidup ini adalah percubaan”.

Well, without trying, you stand no chance at all.